What does elder neglect look like?

Medical aids, such as walkers, dentures, glasses, medicines, or hearing aids, are lacking. Dirty or unsafe living conditions, such as lack of heating or plumbing, dirty bedding, or insect infestations. If you suspect that an elderly person is at risk of being neglected or overwhelmed by a caregiver, or of being the victim of financial grievance, it's important to talk. If you are the caregiver of an elderly person and think you are at risk of hurting or neglecting them, help and support is available.

Signs of elder abuse can be difficult to recognize or confuse with symptoms of dementia, or the frailty of the elderly person or caregivers can explain them that way. Neglect or Self-Neglect When a caregiver deliberately fails to provide or withhold basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, medication, medical care, physical assistance, or a safe environment, that is negligence. Frequent arguments or tensions between the caregiver and the elderly person or changes in the elder's personality or behavior can be broad signs of elder abuse. The stress of caring for the elderly can lead to mental and physical health problems that leave caregivers exhausted, impatient, and more susceptible to neglecting or attacking the elderly in their care.

Elder abuse includes physical, emotional, or sexual harm inflicted on an older adult, financial exploitation, or neglect of their well-being by people who are directly responsible for their care. Such contact may involve physical sexual acts, but activities such as showing an older person pornographic material, forcing the person to watch sexual acts, or forcing the person to undress are also considered sexual abuse of older persons.

Erika Shipley
Erika Shipley

Certified social media buff. Subtly charming zombie scholar. Hardcore travel maven. Passionate travel aficionado. Professional beer specialist.